Hire Pundit

Exceptionally skilled, high performing, international and local bilingual talent

Hire Pundit › candidate testimonials

Varsha Sameer Meher

Business and Integration Arch Manager, Accenture Japan

How you think we were able to solve your problem?

As I was looking for a senior role in IT, Hire Pundit helped me by introducing the right position to me proactively. We discussed my current role/skillset and what I am looking for in my next job in detail. They introduced me to the position that I was hoping to find within a few days.

Why did you chose us to find your next career opportunity ?

Hire Pundit’s approach is very professional. Their ability to follow-up on things with you and the client makes them a preferred recruiter to work with.

Whether and why you found us different from other consultants ?

The Hire Pundit team is very helpful and open to discussing concerns and listening to them. They help you find solutions to your concerns. Due to their openness and helpful nature, it is easy to work with them.