Hire Pundit

Exceptionally skilled, high performing, international and local bilingual talent

Hire Pundit › candidate testimonials

Takeshi Miyazawa

Director of Strategy, WeWork Japan, Japan

How you think we were able to solve your problem?

Changing jobs was relatively easier when we looked black 10 to 15 years ago. However, changing industries is still challenging, especially in senior roles. When I explore new opportunities outside my past industries, Hire Pundit helped me by sharing information about industry, category, challenges and company. It enables me to articulate what contribution I can make to the company I work for.

Why did you chose us to find your next career opportunity ?

Hire Pundit is one of the most frequently communicated recruiter through the process.  In each step, they guided me to pre-briefings, before and after the interviews, then kept asking/sharing feedback. It allowed me more specific conversations and questions on the  interview process.

Whether and why you found us different from other consultants ?

Transparent and open approach makes Hire Pundit different, I can trust them how things go.

Any particular experience that you can mention about us, while we were supporting you to find a job that you liked a lot. 

In many cases, the selection process is moving around. Hire Pundit gave me a better view of the timeline. It enables me to prepare handing off responsibilities and closing projects prior to the process finished.