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Be the CEO of Your Career – Find your career direction

When was the last time that you really examined your career? Many of us are stuck, trying to find where our career is headed. We continue to go to work every day because that is what we were told – you need the stable job to sustain. Have you asked yourself the question where am I going with my career? If you haven’t you must.
In today’s dynamic work environment, things are changing at a very fast pace, bringing with it a plethora of opportunities and even uncertainties. To be able to take on the opportunities that exist, we first need to take personal responsibility of our careers and decide what we want. You need to take on the driving seat, think of what you need, have a strategy and make choices. Don’t just accept what comes along. You need to be the CEO of your own career.

Why is it important to be the CEO of your Career?

Today we live in a world of Global Mobility. COVID-19 has taught the world a different way of work – both to the employer and to the employee. Amid the pandemic, working from home is now and option, companies are becoming more creative to ensure they are able to comply with these new employee needs and make their organisation a great place to work as well as save costs.

The evolving culture and technology is creating opportunities for those who are willing. The work force is mobile and resorting to switching jobs as a way to climb the corporate ladder. Companies are adapting to these changing needs. Spending an entire career with one company is passe. Career change is the new normal. So, to be successful you need to be proactive, agile and ready to take on new challenges. It is up to you to decide how you want to define your career path.

Be the CEO of your career and take charge of your professional growth where you drive towards your success and accomplish your professional and personal goals.

4 steps to help you find you career path

Step 1 - Be self-aware, get to know your self

Take the opportunity to be introspective. Do some self-reflection. You need to understand who you are and where you are, so you can decide what you want, where you are going and how will you get there. Sit down and evaluate, what are your values, your strengths, your passions, your interests, and your aspirations.

Many people mistake their hobbies as their true passion. Use your hobbies to help filter what you like to do, and understand the meaning behind it. As the famous life coach Anthony Robbins say, use your hobbies to help filter what you like to do, to give you hints. For example, if you spend a lot of your free time reading, your passion could involve writing, teaching or research –things which help you expend your grey cells, the way reading does. If you like dancing or exercising, you are probably drawn to movement and expression.

Step 2 - Explore the possibilities - What kind of career are you looking for and why?

You have invested a lot of time in your current career. Don’t just evaluate what you want over a set of drinks on Friday. Take your time to evaluate if you are satisfied in your current job. Ask your self these four questions –

  • Am I learning?
  • Am I making an impact?
  • Do I enjoy doing what I do?
  • Am I being fairly rewarded?

Now keep an open mind and evaluate the following questions and find out “what you think is right for you?”:

  • What do you want to do? Are you doing anything close to it?
  • What do you look forward to?
  • What is your ideal career or job look like?
  • What does your ideal day look like?
  • Do you want to work remotely or in-office?
  • Would you like a job where you need to travel?
  • Do you want to work for someone or by yourself?
  • Why do you believe this is the ideal job or career for you?

Introspect to find what you really want. Be as specific as possible.

Step 3 - Evaluate Your Experience to Leverage Strengths and Skills

To be successful in the long run you need to be able to leverage your skills. Spend time to identify these skills. Ask yourself the question – What are my skills and talents? How can I use my skills or talents to serve and add value to others?

Identify your transferable skills

Transferable skills are one of the most important skills. These are skills which are non-technical in nature and can be carried from one company to another, one industry to another. Skills such as problem solving, persuasion, negotiation, selling, making smart decisions, managing multiple projects efficiently to name a few. These are often referred to as soft skills.Get opinions about your people management, interpersonal and technical skills from your colleagues, friends and co-workers too.

Have you ever stepped out of your comfort zone?

With the work force becoming courageous and the work environment becoming more disruptive, companies look for people who are open to working outside of their comfort zone. Evaluate your experiences and see how you have been able to demonstrate agility and faced challenging situations such as launching new projects, taking on roles different from your experience or starting your own business.

What are your areas of expertise?

Start with prepare a detailed list of your expertise areas, certifications and current technical skills. Assess these for possible career options.

Think about what skills and talents people compliment you on. These can guide you to find your dream career. Take time out and evaluate your existing skills, to evaluate how they can help shape your next career move.

Step 4 - Create a Plan – Be the CEO of your career

After all the introspection, narrow your choices. Sometimes it may not be easy and may not be a direct path, especially if you are looking to change your career. Create a roadmap to understand where you are and where you want to be. Take small steps that will enable you to experience that essence and eventually define your career path and your goal.

Invest time in yourself and in your personal development. Have a growth mindset invest time to expand your knowledge base, skill set and perspective. Work towards acquiring special skills and build your personal brand. Don’t let the idea of starting small discourage you. Finally let go of your fears as that is the way you can unlock your true potential and make others see it too.

Setting goals for your self will help you stay focused. Take time each day to reflect what you learned and how it is helping you move forward. Like a CEO of a company, enjoy the success from small wins and set new goals as you keep accomplishing them.

Once you have truly evaluated what you are looking forthen it will be easier for you to find it – an organisation or opportunity to match your career vision.

So, take ownership of your career now. Be the CEO of your career and manifest the career of your dreams.

If this article has made you think – then think no more and take action. For hands-on help to build an impactful and satisfying career, reach out to our experts at Hire Pundit at info@hirepundit.com

For more advice on how to break through in your #career and lead the way with #personaldevelopment and #personalbranding follow us on LinkedIn or subscribe to our newsletter.

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